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Future.CTRL: how to link futures thinking with present-day policy delivery

In collaboration with


Futures thinking is invaluable for informing and shaping policy delivery in fields including education, social change, health, sustainable development and technology. It allows policy makers to anticipate future challenges and opportunities, and to develop policies over different time horizons. By considering multiple futures and engaging decision makers in the process, futures thinking contributes to effective, sustainable and dynamic policy outcomes. 

This course helps public sector leaders, decision makers and policy advisers make the link between two disciplines that have too often worked separately. Future.Ctrl allows attendees to identify future scenarios, threats and opportunities and then design, implement and track policies. The course is an internationally unique offering, drawing together best-practice from international futures, policy and implementation research. The course is delivered by Sam Douglas-Bate and Gavin Moore, two futures and policy experts who have worked with international governments and companies, the European Union and NATO. 


Sam Douglas-Bate
Managing Director and Co-Founder, ForgeFront

Sam is a policy and government affairs leader who has worked for the European Union and the UK’s Cabinet Office, Brexit Department and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. He has spent time in the House of Commons, led high profile accounts for a leading public affairs firm and was in the last tranche of British EU Civil Servants working for the institutions in Brussels. During his career he has delivered policy and project work for a range of public and private sector clients including the Government Digital Service (GDS), the Cabinet Secretariat, members of both the UK and European Parliaments, NATO and companies including Siemens, Zurich, Arla Foods and Laing O’Rourke. Sam is an accredited Microsoft data analyst and holds a degree in politics from the University of Bristol.


Gavin Moore
Director, ForgeFront

Gavin was the lead adviser for a large political grouping in the European Parliament on the EU’s budget. More recently he has led teams at the UK’s Treasury on tariff and trade legislation and on both the transfer of EU financial services and cryptocurrency regulation at the Financial Conduct Authority. He has a deep understanding of government and international funding mechanisms and has advised MEPs, Lords, UK ministers and senior civil servants on parliamentary and budgetary procedure. He has an extensive stakeholder network in Brussels and Whitehall, and previously worked for an MEP and in the Northern Ireland Assembly. He holds a BA in International Politics, MAs in Comparative Ethnic Conflict and Legislative Studies from Queen’s University Belfast, with published works in academic journals and the Northern Ireland Assembly library.

No pre-requisites

Delivery Format:


22 – 24 April 2024

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

3D Office – Emirates Towers 

Target Audience:
Public sector leaders (over 5 years’ experience),
Policy advisers (over 3 years’ experience)


AED 10,500
Per Participant


Day 1
  • Futures techniques
  • Policy implementation techniques
  • Problem definition, exploration, recommendation, and framing
  • Submitting policy and futures proposals
Day 2
  • Tackling policy complexity
  • Harnessing data and uncovering bias
  • Dealing with policy and project risk
  • Iterative delivery in policy and futures work
  • Exercise: Red teaming a long-term future and how to operate a red team
Day 3
  • Project management
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Exercise: ‘Wargaming’ a short-term future
  • Building a Future.Ctrl legacy in your organization

Learning Objectives and outcomes

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify future scenarios, threats and opportunities and then design, implement, and track policies to deliver desired outcomes.
  • Operate comfortably in complex environments involving multiple stakeholders, data inputs and outputs, risks and ever-changing events.
  • Employ red teaming techniques to uncover bias, identify logical flaws, widen data sets, scrutinize plans and identify options and alternatives.
  • Design and manage projects with a clearly defined methodology that link futures thinking to policy delivery.
  • Handle frenetic and changeable short-term futures. Understand how to ‘step back’ and challenge longer-term futures.
  • Facilitate a legacy within their organization that enables others to link futures thinking to policy delivery.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the participant will develop an understanding of:

  • Policy implementation techniques, including the PRICE model, problem trees, problem statements and the hypothesis-driven approach.
  • Futures techniques, including backcasting, scenarios, dimensions of uncertainty and roadmapping. 
  • Red teaming techniques, including flaws analyses, alternative outcomes, option testing, uncovering bias and widening data sets.
  • Future.Ctrl project management tools including Theory of Change (TOC), the LogFrame Matrix, the RIGOUR principles, quality assurance, risk allocation and risk mitigation. 
  • Tools for delivering recommendations and gold standard policy submissions.
  • Tools for monitoring and evaluating a project including data repositories for futures thinking and policy delivery. 
  • Legacy creation techniques including the RACI formula, influence and attitude frameworks and the change commitment curve.


Participant will be awarded a certificate upon completion.

For any support and inquiries, please contact: [email protected]