Dubai Future Council on Artificial Intelligence
Investigating the future of AI with a particular focus on governance and legislation to transform Dubai into a testing ground for innovation.
The Dubai Future Councils are tasked with forecasting the future of vital sectors in Dubai. The Councils aim to find solutions to various challenges, launch initiatives, and national strategies to create future and current opportunities.
Investigating the future of AI with a particular focus on governance and legislation to transform Dubai into a testing ground for innovation.
Exploring the future of energy, and identifying opportunities to transform Dubai into a sustainable ecosystem powered by clean energy.
Imagining the future of transport, with a focus on smart transportation and self-driving mobility solutions, along with the requisite infrastructure and legislation.
Understanding the skills required to excel in Industry 4.0, and the mechanisms and environments needed to develop these skills.
Exploring the future of digital transactions through the blockchain distributed ledger technology, with a focus on practical use cases that solve strategic challenges.
Focusing on the governance, policies, legislation and management required to enable future cities, and Dubai’s transition to becoming one.
Exploring the future of education with a view to developing a future-ready generation with the skills to thrive in a rapidly changing global environment.
Understanding the evolving role of conventional and non-traditional media as the world undergoes a transition to Industry 4.0, with corresponding changes in social, political and financial systems.
Sparking the future of entrepreneurship, and igniting policy changes to create an environment that attracts entrepreneurs and encourages innovation.
Charting the future of Dubai as a global logistics centre, and exploring how technological innovation can serve the sector.
Re-conceptualising what community safety means in a hyper-connected evolving world, and exploring the impact of technology on policework, law and order.
Understanding the future of humanitarian services and reformulating the role of aid, civil society and charities to build resilient and sustainable global communities.
Exploring the future of health, longevity and quality of life. Focusing on the role of future technologies in improving life quality and healthcare.