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The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution UAE (C4IR UAE) Smart Toys Report

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Autism is considered one of the most complex mental illnesses affecting children. Children with autism can find it difficult to communicate verbally and non-verbally, affecting how they learn and interact socially. AI can help children who need special education by providing the tool tailored to each child. As part of developing guidelines for the use of AI for children, the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution UAE (C4IR UAE), in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF), hosted the Smart Toys Competition, with partners from the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority, and the UAE National Program for Artificial Intelligence to identify and highlight companies that develop Smart toys to help children of determination with challenges they may face in all matters of their day-to-day life.

Benefits of using AI in education:

  1. Personalized education for every child
  2. Increased attention span
  3. Differentiation and individualized shape
